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Posts posted by Luke

  1. Hi Guys,
    i'm studing your FGX Library and i can say that you have done a great job!
    In the past i've checked Firemonkey but your library is better!!!
    However, your actual user control collection ,can solve all user requests, but i'm trying to understand if there is a way (now or in the future) to manage some Google's Material Design scrolling effects.
    For Example :

    1. There is a way to manage Coordinator Layout / AppBarLayout / CollapsingToolBarLayout ?
    ( see URL  https://guides.codepath.com/android/handling-scrolls-with-coordinatorlayout  )

    2. There is a way to have a kind of  Floating Label Edit Text with FGX ?
    ( see URL:  https://abhiandroid.com/materialdesign/textinputlayout-floating-labels-edittext ) ? 

    Best Regards.


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  2. Hi Omar,
    Many thanks for your support.
    I will check your source code for a better management.
    However in my case the problem is not read data.
    I attach a small video.
    I can wait 20 or 30 seconds before start the scolling and data is already stored in my collection.
    As you can see the lag is very very small and it isn't a problem but i'm trying to get best practice methods and discover what can't be solved and what is a limit.
    Many Thanks.

  3. Hi Guys,
    i know that this isn't a specific question about FGX but i try to ask you.

    I attach a little demo source code that i'm writing.
    I'm using a DrawerLayout and i show differents forms in the Content.
    All works perfectly.

    When i've to destroy the Form i've seen in your Demo that i've to write the rows below :

          MyForm.Parent := nil;

    If i do that, it works perfectly, but, if i comment the "MyForm.Parent := nil" and i call only FreeAndNil, for Delphi MyForm is destroyed but for Android no, because i can see it in my content and i can work with it.

    I know that Java use the Garbage Collector so i'm worried about "Free Form Memory".

    In Delphi, if i seen MyForm = nil i will create it another time so, how many MyForm i've in memory ?

    I've a second question, not so important, but i try to ask:
    My TFrameUsers load data from a Rest Service into a CollectionView.
    I know that i can write better code, but i see that if i try to scroll the CollectionView, it is slow in the first 2 seconds, and then it is very fast!
    I can't understand why it is slow at the beginning...
    I'm sure that all data is available so, do you have any idea in "Why it is slow at the begin?"
    Many Thanks guys.


  4. Hy Stas,
    you are right!

    Excuse me but i'm studing the library and i've to understand better some managements.
    Thanks a lot.

    In the past i've opened the ticket "Relative position with Z-Order" with the same problem.
    If you post the same suggesions i will close the ticket.
    Thanks a lot.

  5. Hi guys,
    i'm trying to place an image above a map (see screenshot below ).

    The MAP has Position Relative and FlexGrow = 1.
    Now i want place an image in the middle-bottom of the map for custom operations.
    I've understood that i've to use absolute position, so i place it in the middle-bottom by hand...
    If i try to change device size, the image lose the correct position...
    There is a way to solve ( or a best practice ? ) 
    Thanks a lot,

  6. Hi All,
    I've seen that if i call a TfgAnimationHelper.HideForm without the callback method you use as callbeck the method that raise the Hideform.
    Is correct ?
    There is a way to  finish the AnimationHelper without CallBack ?

    I've done the test below and in the logCat i read 'Start CreateMainform' 2 times :

    procedure TFrmLogin.CreateMainform;
      FGX.Log.TfgLog.Log(TfgLogLevel.Debug,'Start CreateMainform');

    Other TfgAnimationHelper methods works in the same manner ?
    Thanks a lot,

  7. Hi All,
    i've made a sample application with TfgMap.
    I've activated the Map Service but the TfgMap control is gray ( no map visualization ).

    I know that a Google map Api registration is required but i don't know if this is the cause.
    If yes, where i've to set my registration in the app?
    Thanks a lot,
    Best Regards.

  8. Hi All,
    now my demo works better, thanks Knsg12.
    However i've seen that TfgAssetsManager.Current.AddBitmapFromUrlAsync take a lot of time ( 20 - 30 seconds ) to download the thumbnail from  'https://via.placeholder.com/150/92c952'.

    I've tried also to update your demo AsyncBitmapAssetDemo and i've replaced your sample url with mine.
    The first execution take 20 second, the nexts less than 1 second.
    How could be possibile ?
    Many thanks guys for your support.

  9. Hi All,
    i'm testing tfgCollectionView with this rest resource : http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos

    In this test my CollectionView Style has 1 fgImage and 1 fgLabel.
    I get the RestResouce with a TRESTRequest.ExecuteAsync and it works perfectly.
    When i've the ExecuteAsync CallBack i parse the JSON output string and i fill my Photos collection (TList).
    I do this step with a separate Task because i've 5000 items ( more or less).

    When i link data to the CollectionView i call fgCollectionViewGetItemCount and fgCollectionView1BindItem.
    If i bind only the fgLabel all works perfectly.
    My problem is link the tfgImage to the thumbnail.
    I post my code:

    procedure TFramePhoto.fgCollectionView1BindItem(Sender: TObject;const AIndex: Integer; const AStyle: string; const AItem: TfgItemWrapper);
    VAR Item:TPhotoData;

        AItem.GetControlByLookupName<TfgLabel>('LblTitle').Text := Item.Ftitle;
        TfgAssetsManager.Current.AddBitmapFromUrlAsync(Item.FalbumId, Item.FthumbnailUrl,
        procedure (const AResultCode: Integer; const AResultMessage: string) begin
          AItem.GetControlByLookupName<TfgImage>('ImgAlbum').ImageName := Item.FalbumId;

        FGX.Log.TfgLog.Log(TfgLogLevel.Debug,'fgCollectionView1BindItem ' + e.Message);

    Actually i'm saving the images in assets but i think it is a bad idea...
    Can you suggest a best practice for this scenario ?

    Thanks a lot guys,
    Best Regards.



  10. Hi All,
    I'm trying to use a tfgSearchEdit with a tfgCollectionView.
    I'm searching the better way to set the focus to the CollectionViewitem that match my search value.

    There is a demo that explain this management ?
    I've seen that i can fill the SearchEdit.Suggestions with the CollectionViewItems field otherwise i can do a binarysearch in the Tlist<> that is linked to the CollectionView but i've to sort the list.

    Can you suggest a best practise for that ?
    Thanks a lot,


  11. Hi All,
    i've tryied to manage the event fgListMenuItemOnTap as written below and i've seen that the Sender is not a fgListMenuItem object but fgListMenu.

    procedure TFormMain.fgListMenu1Items0Tap(Sender: TObject);
      fgLabel3.Text := Sender.ToString();

    In this way i'm not able to understand witch item i've pressed so i've to manage each onItemTap with a specific event.
    Is it normal or i'm doing a mistake ?

    Thanks a lot,

  12. Hi all,
    just for sample i'm trying to put a square in the form center, and a circle in the square center.

    I've placed a layout with FlexGrow=1 so it will take all the form space and AlignmentChildren.JustifyContent=Center.
    Into the layout i've placed the square with  PositionMode=relative.
    Now if i try to put the circle i can't use relative position but only absolute and i've to place the circle in the center without any support.

    How i can solve ?
    Thanks a lot,
    Best Regards.

  13. Hi Yaroslav,
    i attach my test project.

    As you can see in the FrmLogin i call FrmWait with this code :

        FrmWait := TFrmWait.Create(nil);

    in FrmWait i've this method :

    procedure TFrmWait.fgFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      TfgAnimationHelper.FadeOut(LblInfo, [TfgAnimationOption.StartFromCurrent], 0);
      LblInfo.Text:='Ciao Luca';
      TfgAnimationHelper.FadeIn(LblInfo, [TfgAnimationOption.StartFromCurrent], 500);
      TfgAnimationHelper.FadeOut(LblInfo, [TfgAnimationOption.StartFromCurrent], 500);
      LblInfo.Text:='Abbiamo quasi finito...';
      TfgAnimationHelper.FadeIn(LblInfo, [TfgAnimationOption.StartFromCurrent], 500);
      TfgAnimationHelper.FadeOut(LblInfo, [TfgAnimationOption.StartFromCurrent], 500);

    and this event freeze the current form.
    I think i can fix with TfgCallBack from TfgAnimationHelper.ShowForm but i'm not sure and i don't know how to use it.

    Thanks a lot.

  14. Hi All,
    i'm trying to show a new from from another with the code below :

    FrmWait := TFrmWait.Create(nil);

    The TfgAnimationHelper.ShowForm method lock the current Form when it exec the FrmWait.Create method.
    I've tried to move my initializazion code from FrmWait.create to FrmWait.show but the initialization freeze the current form and only at the and i see the FrmWait. ( In windows environment i solve this problem with windows messages ).

    Some one can help my ?
    I'm following the wrong way ?

    Thanks a lot

  15. Hi Guys,
    i'm trying to make a demo with the component TfgBarcodeScanner.
    The camera works perferctly, but, when i link the BarcodeScanner to the camera ( BarcodeScanner.Camera :=Camera; ) the camera become freezed.
    When i set BarcodeScanner.Camera :=nil; the camera works.

    Do you have any idea ?
    I'm working with a ZenPhone 2 with Android 8.

    Thanks a lot,

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