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Posts posted by Michal

  1. Well I tried to draw path without moveto but it was worse. What I am trying to do is to draw curvy line like the orange one you can see in picture. I'm using smoothcurveto with destination point at blue point and control point at the right of blue point at the same y in the middle of them. Without moveto lines look really strange. I know I can combine curves with rectangles and film them separately but in that case i cannot use gradient fill for whole figure. I also don't see that pen is at the last point. If you do moveto(0 0), lineto (100 100) and then lineto (200 200) second line will be drawn from 0 0 to 200 200 not from 100 100 to 200 200. 


  2. I found something else. I don't know is it a bug or am I doing something wrong. I have a TfgPaintBox where I wanted to draw path. When I call Canvas.DrawPath path is drawn perfectly. When I call Canvas FillPath only part is drawn and it is a part created with AddSmoothCurve. I tried to fill path of simple rectangle but it is not filled . I am attaching project 



  3. I will definately do that. By the way . Have you ever considered to make assets and styles name no case sensitive? I know I should be accurate but with accidental mistypes it can lead to some painfull debuging. Especially with TfgCollectionView when incorrect style leads to series of AV. And two another question :

    do you have any plans for animations?  I have some animations achieved by loading xml file 


    but I have no idea how could I create such a xml data in runtime. I don't want to deploy xml with app

    do you plan to add text color property to pickers and calendar?

  4. Hi

    I have a problem with asset manager and TfgButton. Application with one button generates an error 

    'The assets manager is being destroyed. However, not all assets links have released. count=2'

    I've spent 2 hours debugging . I thought it is something I'm doing wrong (I do some stuff with assets) but it happens with simple app with one button. I am attaching a sample. Some advice please ?




  5. Hi 

    In version 1.6 there is a funny issue with TfgRectangle. When you set RadiusX and RadiusY in Corners then depending on CornerType rectangle is badly rendered. With CornerType=Bevel it is ok while with default  CornerType=Round rectangle looks rather funny. You won't see it in designtime , only in runtime . I have attached a screenshot and demo project. With higher valus of radius the look of rectangle can differ from expaectations. With small values there is not difference between  Bevel and Round. I use value of 15 and difference is visible It might lead to some headaches ? 





  6. Hi

    I have a restaurant software that runs on very different devices. Some of them are small  where best screen orientation is portrait but some users with large tablet prefer landscape orientation. I cannot lock orientation in runtime. I tried to set 

    Application. SupportedOrientations:=[TfgInterfaceOrientation.Portrait,TfgInterfaceOrientation.ReversePortrait];

    but it doesn't seem to work

    I can't set it in manifest, this has to be user decision



  7. Hi 

    I need TfgCollectionView to respond to onTapItem event and OnTap. I am using view to display list of items. In OnTapItem event I reload view with different items. I wanted to add behavior when user taps on empty space after items. I thought OnTap would be right place but it is not firing. I tried to move to OnTouch but still no luck. Only event that is fired os OnTapItem. I have attached sample whow it works. Is it possible to fire both events




  8. Hi 

    I found a small bug I guess. When you create page control pages in runtime parent TfgPageControl does not apply TitleTextSettings. When for example you set title font color to red newly created pages will have black color. Simple workaround is to set fontcolor to null and then to desired color. I have attached simple project with explanations;




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