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Posts posted by gats

  1. Hello @Stas,

    yes i have try with html file load on tfgwebbrowser.

    procedure TFormMain.fgFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      HTML: TStringList;
      Asset: TfgAssetFile;
      HTML := TStringList.Create;
        if TfgAssetsManager.Current.Find<TfgAssetFile>(R.Files.PIECHART, Asset) then
        fgWebBrowser1.LoadHTML(HTML.Text, 'http://mylocal');


  2. Hi,

    I have a problem with the fgcombobox component if the item is empty, then I try to tap on the combobox, it will crash the application hangs for a while. the following log that I got.

    the device i use asus rog.



    Thanks you

  3. 4 hours ago, polywickstudio said:

    Do you have trial for Delphi 10.4 update 2?

    I have used 10.4 and it works well, although there must be some adjustments if you previously used 10.3.

  4. 21 hours ago, Stas said:



    22 hours ago, Alex Shi said:


    I have tried this source code before, but failed to apply it to FGX. in this section I have not found the code on FGX.

    QRCodeBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[Column, Row] := clBlack;

    and how to repaint tfgpaintbox.


    Thanks you

  5. Hello,

    I need a component that can generate QRCode. logically it can be generated on the server, then the application downloads as an asset. but it will be easier if FGX can generate it.


    thanks you

  6. Hello Yaroslav,

    I have successfully applied the sugestion, but on my computer the location is a little different like this "$(FGX)\Libs\Common\Android\Debug\arm64-v8a".

    thank you for your solution. 

    • Like 1
  7. Hello Yaroslav,

    What is wrong,
    I tried to compile a project that I worked on with RAD Studio 10.3 using 10.4. but there is an error message like this. but if I make a new project from 10.4 when compiling the project there are no problems.

    \android-ndk-r21\toolchains\aarch64-linux-android-4.9\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\aarch64-linux-android\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lyoga

    what should I fix?

    Thanks you

  8. I continue to practice adjusting to the native FGX environment by using FGX native trial. but now that the trial period is over, I tried installing again but it still didn't work. native fgx detected has ended.
    how can I still be able to practice using FGX native trial after the validity period is over. until the time I get the international release version?



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