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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Hi Please see the attached demo. If you create and free a TfgTrackbar in code I get an "Invalid Pointer Operation" No issues on Android. TestTrackBar.zip
  2. Thanks, Would be good if it was in FGX and cross platform 😁 Maybe if we ask nicely?
  3. Hey @claudio.piffer Looks beautiful and professional. You really make best used of FGX - which is by far the best and most productive development for mobile. Can I ask, did you implement custom message boxes? And how did you get the image in the toast? Alan
  4. @aziz I agree some more English documentation would be nice . Not sure about the market place.. There's a sub forum for "Development Orders" Coming from Windows dev to my first mobile app. I gave up on FMX and found FGX by luck. I think there will be many like me. I think FGX is different enough from FMX that there is definitely a learning curve. The sample applications are excellent. Documentation could be better and basic concepts like assets and themes could be better explained. I think there's a bit of "The curse of knowledge" where the FGX team may not appreciate that we don't have the same understanding of the various mobile ecosystems. Depends on what @Yaroslav Brovin and the team want to achieve in terms or marketing to other developers? As I've said before the support is excellent. That helps a lot with the language issues. I have to use translator on forum. Which can work well. The more questions you ask the richer the repository of knowledge for us all to share. Alan
  5. Hi @aziz, I can only speak for myself. But same as you I have used Delphi (mostly with DevExpress) on windows for many years (starting with D3). This is my first foray into app development - I spent a few months with FMX and Skia but was not happy with the results. I stumbled on FGX and can say its stable, compatible and even more importantly Yaroslav & Viktor are responsive in the forums and address questions and bugs quickly and professionally. Personally, I prefer to code in pascal. It's far more readable that java-type langues. And you still have access to a lot of the Delphi non visual components. The only time my FGX app has frozen or crashed is if I have made a mistake. Hope this helps. Alan
  6. The issue seems to be that SetLength is not doing its job! When I step through your code length = 8589934593.... Unfortunately, I don't know why this is happening.
  7. Hi I hope I am answering the right question... google translate may have caused confusion. I am using FB4D very successfully under FGX. with minor changes Have you defined the TOKENJWT? I also defined a FGX Conditional In the FB4D.Helpers I added to the implementation uses : {$ELSEIF Defined(FGX)} FGX.Types, FGX.Forms, You need to add all FB4D units to your project. Hope this helps. This should allow you access to all the FB4D functions.. I don't use push so not sure about that.
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