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Inquiry and Praise on Your FGX Native Components for Delphi


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Dear FGX Native Team,

I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I wanted to express my genuine appreciation for the excellent components you offer. The quality and enhanced functionality they bring to our applications are truly commendable.

I have a couple of inquiries that I'm hoping you could assist with:

1. Do your FGX Native components support Arabic text input and right-to-left alignment? If so, could you please provide an example showcasing this particular feature?

2. Are there any open-source applications built using FGX Native components that I could modify and utilize upon purchasing the package? If yes, could you kindly share some information or documentation about these applications?

Lastly, with Christmas and the New Year just around the corner, I was curious if FGX Native might have any festive discounts or promotional offers available. Such an offer would be greatly appreciated and would certainly influence our purchasing decisions during this season.

Thank you for your time, and I eagerly await your response.

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Hello @aziz,

14 часов назад, aziz сказал:

I hope this message finds you well. Firstly, I wanted to express my genuine appreciation for the excellent components you offer. The quality and enhanced functionality they bring to our applications are truly commendable.

Thank you very much for your high appreciation of our components.  

14 часов назад, aziz сказал:

1. Do your FGX Native components support Arabic text input and right-to-left alignment? If so, could you please provide an example showcasing this particular feature?

Yes, all our components are really native. So all text input based components based on native text-input views. So the natively support RTL input. When you are using Arabic text input, it automatically layout text according RTL.

If we are talking about automatically text-alignment: for example text prompts, drawer layout position and etc. We have several solutions:

  1. We provide special properties for setting alignment. For example, TfgEdit has HorzAlign, which allow to switch the left to right text alignment. TfgDrawerLayout supports property for positioning drawer on left or right side and etc.
  2. We provide special property on TfgForm.LayoutDirection, which allow to automatically switch FlexBox alignment from left to right. All components have 2 extended properties Start, End (Margins, Padding and etc), which is designed for RTL languages. If you are using LTR: Start = Left, End = Right, otherwise: Start = Right, End = Left.

It is also important to note, We have several clients from Asia, who uses RTL. However, we have a few points that need to be improved for RTL. And if you face with something, which doesn't work correctly for RTL, you should let us know it and we will improve/fix it.

Anyway you can test RTL work in Trial version by yourself.

14 часов назад, aziz сказал:

2. Are there any open-source applications built using FGX Native components that I could modify and utilize upon purchasing the package? If yes, could you kindly share some information or documentation about these applications?

No, we don't have open-source project. We provide demo samples, you can find all of them via Main Menu -> New -> FGX Native Demos.

Also we have about 2 big demo samples from webinars:

14 часов назад, aziz сказал:

Lastly, with Christmas and the New Year just around the corner, I was curious if FGX Native might have any festive discounts or promotional offers available. Such an offer would be greatly appreciated and would certainly influence our purchasing decisions during this season.

Yes, we are going to make discount on 11.11 in this year. We will publish information about this here in early November.

Thank you for your interest,
FGX Native Team

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