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TfgCamera and TfgBarcodeScanner


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Goodmorning everyone.
I'm trying the demo version in English, to be able to evaluate the purchase, as soon as available, because I find it really well done. When is the release scheduled? Is it possible to buy the Russian version and install the English version at a later time?

Some questions about using the components:
# TfgCamera
- Is it possible to set continuous autofocus?
- Is it possible to set resolution?
- Is it possible to set the camera in a device with more than one rear chamber?

# TfgBarcodeScanner
- I have not found any example of use ...
- I tried to use the component, connected to a TfgCamera. Here is the code I wrote:

procedure TFormMain.fgButton1Tap(Sender: TObject);
  fgCamera1.Active := True;
  fgBarcodeScanner1.Active := True;

procedure TFormMain.fgBarcodeScanner1Detected(Sender: TObject;
  const ABarcodes: TArray<FGX.Scanner.Barcode.TfgBarcode>);
  for var I := 0 to High(ABarcodes) do

  fgBarcodeScanner1.Active := False;

After some scan tests, the app crashes without any report. Did I do something wrong?

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Hello Jonathan,

On 6/12/2020 at 5:41 PM, Jonathan said:

- Is it possible to set continuous autofocus?

It's set by default in internal camera implementation. However, I think we should add functionality for manually starting the focus.

On 6/12/2020 at 5:41 PM, Jonathan said:

- Is it possible to set resolution?

Yes. For taking photo you can specify required size via TfgCamer.MaxFrameSize.

On 6/12/2020 at 5:41 PM, Jonathan said:

- Is it possible to set the camera in a device with more than one rear chamber?

By default TfgCamera select first available camera with required TfgCamera.FrontType. But if you have several front camera, you can adjust selection via event TfgCamera.OnCameraSelect.

On 6/12/2020 at 5:41 PM, Jonathan said:

# TfgBarcodeScanner
- I have not found any example of use ...

There are no demo. We will add it later. But you can just add TfgBarcodeScanner on form of CameraPhotoDemo, link with camera and Add handler TfgBarcodeScanner.OnDetected

On 6/12/2020 at 5:41 PM, Jonathan said:

- I tried to use the component, connected to a TfgCamera. Here is the code I wrote:

procedure TFormMain.fgButton1Tap(Sender: TObject);
  fgCamera1.Active := True;
  fgBarcodeScanner1.Active := True;

procedure TFormMain.fgBarcodeScanner1Detected(Sender: TObject;
  const ABarcodes: TArray<FGX.Scanner.Barcode.TfgBarcode>);
  for var I := 0 to High(ABarcodes) do

  fgBarcodeScanner1.Active := False;

After some scan tests, the app crashes without any report. Did I do something wrong?

It's known issue and it's fixed in the last release

As workaround you can use this code:

procedure TFormMain.fgBarcodeScanner1Detected(Sender: TObject;
  const ABarcodes: TArray<FGX.Scanner.Barcode.TfgBarcode>);
  for var I := 0 to High(ABarcodes) do

  TThread.ForceQueue(nil, procedure begin
    fgBarcodeScanner1.Active := False;


On 6/12/2020 at 5:41 PM, Jonathan said:

Is it possible to buy the Russian version and install the English version at a later time?

No, we don't have this option at this moment.

On 6/12/2020 at 5:41 PM, Jonathan said:

When is the release scheduled?

I cannot defenetly say date. We are going to open english version for everybody with iOS release. We are planning to do it in this summer.  

We are gradually inviting new foreign clients to access the international version. So if you have experience in mobile development and Delphi, you can write me in direct.

Thank you

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