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Release date:
22 August 2024


Full localization of XML documentation in code in English.

Improvements 🙌


The supporting of "Google Play Billing Library" was upgraded from 5.0.0 to 7.0.0, based on new requirements from GooglePlay


The supporting of icon location was improved. The set of values for the Appearance.Icon.Location property has been expanded. Now there are two additional values: TextLeft, TextRight, which allow you to place the icon before and after the text, but at the same time glued to the text. Total:

  • TfgIconLocation.Left - The icon is located to the left edge.
  • TfgIconLocation.TextLeft - The icon is located against the text on the left.
  • TfgIconLocation.Right - The icon is located to the right edge
  • TfgIconLocation.TextRight - The icon is located against the text on the right.


Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Cool 1
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