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Release date:
9 August 2024

Warning 🚨

In this release, a bug was fixed in which the inner padding of the button Button.ContentPadding was ignored when the icon was positioned centrally. Due to the correction, the area allocated for displaying the icon could be reduced in this case. If you do not want to use this internal padding by default: you need to reset the values in the ContentPadding.

Improvements 🙌


Now you can specify Tag when you print message in device system log.


TfgLog.Info('Payments', 'The payment was successful');
TfgLog.Info('Payments', 'The payment was successful: id=%s', [PaymentId]);


Added a new argument AHighQuality: Boolean to the methods for drawing the bitmap on canvas, responsible for the output quality. To output the bitmap with maximum quality, pass this argument True. By default, the old behavior, which is oriented towards the reverse speed, is retained.

Android API 34

All Android API headers were update to 34 version (Android 14).

Android API Speech

The new Android header file was added for "android.speech" package - Android.Api.Speech.


The template of configuration file `config.template.json` was update for correct generation customs headers based on known types in FGX Native.


The new property ContentPadding was added for TfgDateEdit/TfgTimeEdit. It allows to change default content padding.

The new properties VertAlign and HorzAlign were added for TfgDateEdit/TfgTimeEdit. It allows to change text location. 


Bug Fixes 🐛

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