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  1. as the message itself I have already done... already used!!! yes I used it for previous versions and when updating it is no longer allowed
  2. I downloaded the new version and when I finished the installation and entered the key, the following message was displayed: [Administrator] Delphi 11 The activation code has already been used. Code=7 Which channel can I address this issue?
  3. Congratulations, excellent presentation... I am very satisfied with FGX. I hope you make the sources available so I can improve my codes and use better techniques. Thank you
  4. Hello, as per the question above, was any property implemented that replaces "CharCase" in the component? I saw that "AutocapitalizationType -> AllCharacters" leaves capital letters fixed on the keyboard, but the user can still return to whatever they want.
  5. hello, I also found problem in opening form. I had to revert back to the previous version to continue development.
  6. When I embed a frame inside a form, the pull to refresh of the collectionView activates during scrolling, and if I just show the frame, the error disappears... I'm using a sample project to report this issue, thus using conventional code to embed the frame procedure TFormMain.ShowFrame(Sender: TObject); var FrameNumber: Integer; FrameClass: TfgFormClass; begin TfgAssert.IsClass(Sender, TfgButton); FrameNumber := TfgButton(Sender).Tag; // Remove previous active frame if FActiveFrame <> nil then begin FActiveFrame.Parent := nil; FreeAndNil(FActiveFrame); end; case FrameNumber of 1: FrameClass := TFrame1; else raise EfgAssertError.CreateFmt(SUnknownValue, ['FrameNumber']); end; // Embed new form as control into lContent layout^ FActiveFrame := FrameClass.Create(nil); FActiveFrame.BeginUpdate; try FActiveFrame.PositionMode := TfgPositionMode.Relative; FActiveFrame.Alignment.FlexGrow := 1; FActiveFrame.FullScreen := False; FActiveFrame.Parent := lContent; FActiveFrame.Show; finally FActiveFrame.EndUpdate; end; end; In button 2, I just call the show, and look at the difference, remembering that the pull to refresh is off, I created the collectionView again. procedure TFormMain.btnShowFrame2Tap(Sender: TObject); begin frame1 := Tframe1.Create(nil); frame1.Show; end; WhatsApp Video 2023-05-16 at 10.36.46.mp4 Obs: button 1 embeds the screen and button 2 calls the frame alone.
  7. Hello, I checked this one: "FGX-252 Changing Enabled didn't affect children (Android)". however when holding over, and pasting... it takes the contents of the clipboard and fills the edit. I don't know if it would be something relevant to you!!!
  8. see that in version 10.4 it also fails to read the package
  9. Good afternoon, I downloaded the trial version setup_1.14.6.0_trial.eng and installed it for D10.4 and D11, but it presents me: Can't load package C:\Program Files (x86)\FGX Native\Libs\270\Win32\Release\FGXNative.Designer.270.bpl. Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded? I have already uninstalled and reinstalled and it still persists... I would like to know if I have to do anything else to test the tool. Delphi 10.4.1 registered Delphi 11.2 trial
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