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Yaroslav Brovin

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Release date:

19 June 2021


Drop down window TfgPopup

This release adds the ability to display any content as a drop-down window attached to the specified component.

To create the TfgPopup drop-down window you need to use the TfgPopupFactory factory and pass the displayed component there. As a component, you can specify any visual component, including a form.

FPopup := TfgPopupFactory.CreatePopup(FPopupContent);
FPopup.Size := TSizeF.Create(200, 300);

You must specify the component that the drop-down window should be displayed relative to. An additional parameter can be used to specify the popup offset.


If you use themes in your application, then you can specify theme name via property ThemeName.

By default, the drop-down window displays a shadow. However, you can use the transparent style of the drop-down window. This is managed via the Transparent property.

Improvements 🙌



Revised the handling of opening sites with problematic certificates. Now, by default, such sites are not opened. If you want to allow them to be displayed, you need to use the new event TfgWebBrowser.OnSSLError and use the AHandler parameter to prohibit or allow loading of such resources.

  • New demo sample was added: "Components" -> "TfgWebBrowser" -> "Handling certificate errors".


We added possibility to setup flash mode in the moment of taking photo. You can set this mode via the new property TfgCamera.FlashMode.

Also you can use flash as a torch, while camera works only in preview mode. You can do it via the new property TfgCamera.TorchMode. Pay attention, it works only in preview and doesn't work in moment of taking photo.

Bug Fixes 🐛

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