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Release date:
9 April 2024



The new component TfgScratchOverlay was added. It allows to implement interactive content cleaning to realize the effect of erasing the protective layer in lottery tickets.

By default, the component is completely filled in with the current brush of the Fill component. When a component is touched, it becomes transparent at the touch points, showing the contents of the components placed behind it.

Useful properties and methods of the component:

  • Fill - the initial filling of the component.
  • BrushSize - specifies the size of the cleaning area when touched.
  • Clear - resets the cleared areas and returns the component to its original state.


  • The new demo sample was added: "Components" -> "TfgScratchOverlay" -> "Basic sample"

Blend mode for Canvas

Added the ability to specify the color mixing mode for the canvas TfgCanvas.BlendMode. With this property, you can clean the contents of the canvas and make them transparent.

Improvements 🙌

Localization component

The TfgTranslator component has been redesigned, including the translation editor.

  • Now translations are stored in text form in form resources (xfm, dfm, etc.), which simplifies work in version control systems (svn, git, etc.).
  • Translations in the editor are now displayed as a vertical stack of multi-line text editors, which allows you to see all the translations at once.
  • Added flexible exception settings (based on regular expressions) for the mechanism for collecting text properties of controls that do not require localization. For example, properties Name, TAction.Category, etc.
  • The order of the keys is now preserved as it was specified by the user.
  • Fixed the operation of the key filter.

We still do not recommend using it in mobile applications and deliver it on an "as-is" basis, however, these qualitative changes may be useful for you if you do use this component.


A new Appearance property has been added for the TfgRadioButton/TfgCheckBox components, which allows you to change the hue of Checked/Unchecked component states, which allows you to better adapt the appearance of components to a dark theme.

Improved the display of these components in the designer for iOS and Android styles.

The display of the Unchecked status of these components for iOS has also been changed. Instead of the accent color, it now uses the system gray color.

Bug Fixes 🐛

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Posted (edited)



I'm getting
[DCC Fatal Error] iOsDenneroll.dpr(72): F2051 Unit FGX.Canvas was compiled with a different version of FGX.Canvas.Types.TfgBlendMode

Both android and ios

I have worked round it.



Edited by Alan
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Hello @Alan

3 hours ago, Alan said:

I'm getting
[DCC Fatal Error] iOsDenneroll.dpr(72): F2051 Unit FGX.Canvas was compiled with a different version of FGX.Canvas.Types.TfgBlendMode

Please make sure you don't have any local files FGX.Canvas.Types.pas, FGX.Canvas.Types.dcu, FGX.Canvas.pas, FGX.Canvas.dcu,  in your project folder or other locations accessible through an PATH environment variable.

When you find them, delete these files and clean up the project.
This should solve the problem.

Thank you.

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