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Release date:

6 November 2020


~ Loss of backward compatibility:

  - The value TfgTextTrimming.Word was removed. This value is not supported by either iOS or Android and is not really used in mobile development, so we decided to remove it to avoid misleading developers.
  - Two new methods TfgCanvas.BeginPaint/EndPaint were added. Now you have to invoke it, when perform rendering on TfgBitmap canvas. These methods are required for correct rendering in iOS. If you are rendering in TfgBitmap, you need to frame the entire rendering in BeginPaint/EndPaint. Otherwise, you won't see the rendering result in iOS.
  - The TfgApplicationState type was moved from FGX.Platform -> FGX.Application.
  - Now the TfgProgressBar automatically uses autosize for height.
  - We completely redesign TfgButton component. All details here:
  - IFGXApplicationService.SupportedOrientations now uses changed TfgInterfaceOrientation type.

* TfgScreen:

  - New SafeAreaPadding property was added to TfgScreen. This allows you to get margins from the edge of the screen, where it is not recommended to place UI elements. For example, this way you can get the height of the system status bar and the height of the system navigation bar.

* TfgApplication:

  - Now you can get current application state via Application.State.
  - Now the Application can create form deffered. It's used only on iOS.
  - Implementation of blocking change of screen orientation Application.SupportedOrientations for Android at runtime.
* TfgArc, TfgArch:

  - Sometimes StartAngle, SweepAngle and Depth properties could be not saved into form resource. Fixed.

* TfgButton:

  - We completely redesign TfgButton component. All details here:

* TfgCheckBox, TfgRadioButton:

  - New property LetterSpacing was added.

* TfgEdit:

  - When using ReturnKeyType = Next, the next focus element is selected among all controls of the application's open forms. Fixed.

* TfgCollectionView:

  - New property ColumnWidth was added. It allows to know column width.
  - New helper methods were added:
    - GetSelectionColor - returns selection color for item by index.
    - IsSelectableItem - is item selectable or not.
  - New event OnMovedItem was added. It's invoked, when item is moved on new position via Drag and Drop.
  - TfgCollectionView.OnTap doesn't work on empty content space. Fixed.

* TfgWebBrowser:

  - Now component supports Basic-authentification.
  - New sample: "Components" -> "TfgWebBrowser" -> "Basic-authentification".

* TfgCanvas:

  - Two new methods TfgCanvas.BeginPaint/EndPaint were added.
  - New methods were added for easier drawing round rectangles: TfgCanvas.DrawRoundRect/FillRoundRect.

* TfgPath:

  - The internal presentation of SVG path was updated. Now the implementation is more flexible
  - Now the TfgPath stores all command parameters.
  - Minor bugs were fixed, which could be found on rendering complicated shapes.

* TfgBitmap:

  - The new property TfgBitmap.LogicalBounds was added.

* TfgPageControl:

  - Text color was not applied in designer. Fixed.
  - When you added/removed pages, text settings were lost. Fixed.

* TfgProgressBar:

  - Under certain circumstances, the value of the Min property could not be set. Fixed.
  - The Autosize property was added.
  - Нельзя было обратно вернуть цвета оттенков BackgroundTintColor и TintColor. Исправлено. 

* TfgDrawerLayout:

  - Any time a component was moved/hidden in TfgDrawer, the panel was automatically closed. Fixed.
  - When adding a component to the form, its component parts were not named. This meant that the events of these components could not be used. Fixed.

* Form Designer:

  - The dark theme supports were added.
  - Now when you press on any components on form, designer shows special hint with component name.

* Assets designer:

  - After re-opening the project and making changes to the assets Manager, all assets could be lost. Corrected.

* New project wizard:

  - New Android platform was added "Android11".
  - The usage Android version statistics were updated.

* Demos:

  - "Application" -> "SupportedOrientations"
  - "Components" -> "TfgWebBrowser" -> "Basic-authentification".
* The new unit FGX.Types.Color for working with color was added.

* Android Api:

  - New headers were added: 
    - android.graphics.Outline, 
    - android.graphics.drawable.GradientDrawable, 
    - android.graphics.drawable.ShapeDrawable, 
    - android.graphics.drawable.shapes.Shape
    - android.graphics.drawable.shapes.RectShape,
    - android.graphics.drawable.shapes.RoundRectShape
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