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Yaroslav Brovin

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Release date:

19 January 2021

Loss of backward compatibility 🚨


The default direction of the gradient is left-to-right instead of top-to-bottom now.


We have revised the modal mode of TfgBottomSheetLayout and decided to expand possibility of this component. We introduced 2 new settings group:

  • TfgBottomSheetLayout.ContentShadingSettings - shading settings of main content TfgBottomSheetContent. It allows to specify color of shading and enable/disable it.
  • TfgBottomSheetLayout.BlockContentMode - mode of blocking touch events of main content TfgBottomSheetContent.

You can easily tune the modal mode with these settings. At the same time you can do combined modal mode, when main content is available in collapsed sheet mode. You can use TfgBottomSheetLayout.ContentShadingSettings.Enabled = True and TfgBottomSheetLayout.BlockContentMode = WhenCollapsedOrExpanded for emulating old modal mode.



We introduced new property to fine-tune the component's color scheme. This settings group doesn't allow set different colors for different menu items since the component follows the concept of Material Design. However, you can now specify the base colors of the scheme and the colors for the separator for the normal display mode of the menu item and the selected one, which was not possible before.

In addition, quite often, the icons used in menu items need to be tinted. This could be solved at the assets designer level by simply specifying the desired tint color for an icon. However, the icons used in the menu can be used in other places in practice. In this situation, you had to have two duplicates of the same icon, but with different shades, which certainly increases the size of the application and complicates further editing of resources. The situation is complicated when the color of the icon when selected differs from the color of the icon without selection.

The solution to this problem is now succinctly done through a new group of settings Appearance.Icon, which works on the same principle as the similar property of TfgButton. Here you can specify the color of the icon without and with selection. As a result, you only need to have one icon in the resources of this base size for all other places.


We implemented new crossplatform service FGX.Clipboard.TfgClipboardService for Android and iOS for working with system clipbaord. At the moment, the service allows you to work only with text. To get acquainted with the work of the service, an example is available "System services" -> "Text clipboard".

Measure Text

The new method TfgCanvas.MeasureText was added for calculation text size.


  • Now, if you are using non-implemented components (TfgCalender, TfgVideoControl, TfgSearchEdit, TfgAutocompleteEdit) for iOS, it will not lead to application crash and application will show visual stubs instead.
  • We added new iOS API headers: AVFoundation, CoreMedia and CoreVideo.

Improvements 🙌


Despite the fact that the themes have been supported for a long time, they had a number of difficulties associated with the use of custom resource names. Changing the theme automatically worked perfectly for all components that the developer did not specify their resource. However, as soon as any resource was specified (not by default), such a resource was considered independent of the theme and did not change when switching the theme. We fixed this situation and now the resource is bound to the current form topic if the resource is specified from the current form. This allows you to make a full-fledged theme switch for all properties. If the resource is not linked to a topic, then this resource will not change when the form changes the topic.

Now we always display the name of the asset used by default for the property even if there is no asset, unless otherwise specified. We decided that this would make it easier to understand what resources the component uses by default.


  • We provided two new theme colors to the theme generator: "On Surface" and "On Background" - These are contrasting colors intended for use in elements that use the "Surface" or "Background " color scheme. To get the color data, just re-generate the theme in the asset designer.
  • We added new helpers for TAlphaColor (look at FGX.Types.Color) allowing you to work with color components, perform basic alpha channel transformations, and so on.
  • Optimization for using fonts for painting on canvas TfgCanvas.FillText (Android).

Bug Fixes 🐛


  • TfgArch with SweepAngle 360 not drawing properly (Android).
  • Fixed drawing with a gradient brush TfgCanvas.Fill and a gradient pen TfgCanvas.Draw (Android).
  • Fixed drawing points with pen TfgCanvas.DrawPoints(s) (Android).
  • Fixed drawing arc with pen TfgCanvas.DrawArc (Android).
  • Fixed polygon filling TfgCanvas.FillPolygon (Android).
  • Fixed drawing of an arc as part of a TfgCanvas.TfgPath (Android).
  • Fixed drawing position of text on canvas TfgCanvas.FillText (iOS).


  • TfgArch and TfgArc didn't show correctly round state IsCircle=True, if component's height was greater than width.
  • We fixed wrong declaration of external functions and procedures in iOS API.
  • We fixed delays in alignment system (iOS).
  • The form has right size immediately after creating now (iOS).
  • The bug of extracting file asset was fixed (iOS).
  • If TfgButton used custom icon size Appearance.Icon.Size, it used wrong icon position.
  • The TfgListMenu.OnTapItem event could sometimes not work (iOS).
  • The TfgTrackBar.OnChanging event didn't work (iOS).
  • The TfgTrackBar.OnChanging is not invoked, if ContinuesUpdates = False (Android).
  • The openning form with TfgForm.IsTransparen = True led to crash (iOS).
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