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MoreWood last won the day on April 13 2023

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Community Answers

  1. Hello Yaroslav, Is there any sample to implement a graphic component that works with FGX Native?, it will use Skya as rendering library. Is it possible? Thanks.
  2. My experience with SVG and Delphi is that Image32 https://github.com/AngusJohnson/Image32 and html component library have the best results to read correctly most of the svg files that I tried. The possibility to load dinamically the svg can be interesting to retry it from a service, anyway I think always will be possible to render it on a navigator.
  3. Hello, confirm that the last version fix this problem, thanks.
  4. But , if I don't want a iOS project, I must select one?
  5. Hola, usando este asistente, aparte de un texto en ruso, si no marco ninguna opción de iOS, no se puede crear. Gracias.
  6. Ok, I added the check if FCamera = nil then Exit, anyway the memory problem persist, I imagine it will solved with new release, thanks.
  7. Hello, thanks for you reply. Closeform is called only once, either when detecting the barcode if the automatic closing flag is set or if the accept button of the form is pressed. Anyway, I add the verification that it tells me.
  8. Hello, Delphi version is 10.4.1, ReturnOkCodigo makes a http request to a rest service to retrive product info and fill a CollectionView, but as I said if I call by button click the code CloseForm(true) there is no problem, the problem is when is executed on fgBarcodeScanDetected event. error_events.txt
  9. Hello, to search and display information about a product I have the following scenario: - a form from where a form is opened with a preview camera and a barcode scanner component: FCamera: = TFCamera.Create (nil); FCamera.OnReadCode: = ReturnOkCodigo; TfgAnimationHelper.ShowForm (FCamera); - in the form where the image is captured and scanned, I have an accept button that executes this CloseForm (true) code: procedure TFCamera.CloseForm (OK: boolean); begin if OK and Assigned (FOnReadCode) and (fgLabCode.Text <> '-') then FOnReadCode (fgLabCode.Text); TfgAnimationHelper.HideForm (Self, [TfgAnimationOption.ReleaseOnFinish]); FCamera: = nil; end; The FOnReadCode event helps me to retrieve the code that has been read. This works fine executing like this on click button : CloseForm(true); , but if I use a configuration flag (TConfig.JO.B ['closeonread']) to close the form automatically when a barcode is identified, with this code, a memory error occurs (attach log file): procedure TFCamera.fgBarcodeScanDetected (Sender: TObject; const ABarcodes: TArray <FGX.Scanner.Barcode.TfgBarcode>); begin fgLabCode.Text: = ParseaCodigo (ABarcodes [0] .RawData); //. SubString (HOST_FULL.Length); if TConfig.JO.B ['closeonread'] then CloseForm (true) else begin TThread.ForceQueue (nil, procedure begin fgBarcodeScan.Active: = False; end); end; end; error_camera_preview.txt
  10. Maybe this is a good starting point: https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList
  11. Note that there is a video from Yaroslav explaining about GUI tool with Android Studio.
  12. Many thanks Yaroslav for check this, now it works (and learned a new thing).?
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